The earliest ancestors known by the surnames Janhunen and Janhonen lived in the shift of the 15th and 16th century in the Savonian part of Finland (southeast Finland, around 15 miles to southwest of the small city of Varkaus).
People having surnames Janhunen or Janhonen originate from the same progenitor. A common legal Janhunen & Janhonen family society was established in the year 1989.
Today in the year 2019 there are around 1250 persons alive with the surname Janhunen and little more than 500 persons with the surname Janhonen. Most of them live in Finland. Some five per cent of them live abroad, e.g. in Europe or on the American continent. Some people abroad originating from J & J family have possibly changed their surnames later in order to better adapt oneself his/her new home country.
Genealogy is the most important task for the family society. So our family society has promoted and made several small family studies and one large. The family society has employed also two external research workers for the larger family studies. In the year 2010 we ordered a DNA-study in order to clarify the roots of the J & J – family and find genealogical connections to other nearest families.
Another important task is informing. Our family society has been publishing a membership magazine twice a year since the year 1990. All magazines are readable on our webpages under the menu: ”Julkaisut/ Jäsenlehdet”.
The official family meeting takes place every third year. In the two other years we have a summer gathering in order to meet each other and change latest information related to our family society. We hope this renewed website will also serve as an important way to inform You in the future. If you need some information or e.g. want to join our family society, please contact board members of our family society. Our contact information is under the menu: ”Hallinto / Hallituksen yhteystiedot”. Our web-pages are in Finnish except this short English summary.